Santa is coming to town this weekend!
Below is the route the Holtsville Fire Department will be taking on his visit! We will be departing the firehouse at approximately 11am.
Zone 1: East of the firehouse to North ocean Ave, from Express Drive South to Long Island Ave
Zone 2: West of the Firehouse to Nichols Road, Express Drive South to Long Island Ave.
Zone 3: North of Long Island Expressway to Portion Road, Morris Ave to Waverly Ave
After this, we will have a short break for Santa to refuel and replenish!
Zone 4: Numbered Streets including Glen Hollow Drive
Zone 5: Summerfield
If you live in a court, please come the nearest corner as Santas Sleigh can’t fit down every block.
As always, we will be accepting non perishable food and unwrapped toy donations. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!